War at Sea: Transportation & Storage Woes

  Every miniatures gamer has reached the tipping point where their collection of tiny, painted, figures outnumbers their available storage and transportation options.  A couple months ago I faced that problem and with characteristic vigor researched the best solution for my dilemma. Recently some of you wonderful readers have been facing… Read More»

Litko Aerosystems War at Sea Naval Tokens Review

War at Sea, like any good game, provides in its box everything you need to play.  But, there’s always room for improvement and that is where Litko Aerosystems stepped in.  They have crafted laser etched plastic tokens for War at Sea that are simply better than the cardboard ones from… Read More»

Flames of War Newsletter May 7, 2009

Check out the latest newsletter from Flames of War. There’s lots of great new releases and content for all your Flames of War needs.         The Flames Of War and Battlefront Miniatures website. New to Flames Of War?  Want to find out more? Pack up your old kit bag;  you’re… Read More»

CWF Game Cast Available in German, French, Spanish and More

 Although we are a blog dedicated to New England gaming we are accessed from across the globe.  I looked in Woopra today at the stats and everything seemed in order.  We have almost 30,000 unique visits since Woopra was installed but I stumbled across something really surprising. Woopra lists the… Read More»

Swine Flu Prevention: 6 Good Health Gamer Practices

 With the Swine Flu pandemic, now called H1N1 to protect those in the swine industry, floating around the globe and rearing its head in Massachusetts it is important to remember some basic health etiquette To Do’s for Gamers. Gamers get a bad wrap for cleanliness as evidenced by DorkTower 4… Read More»