A Year Ago Today: August 2007

Sometimes called a blast from the past, or remember when, we have our own time traveling series titled A Year Ago Today.  This shows you what we were doing on the blog one year ago.  We started this on February 7, 2008 in our enhanced podcast, now on hiatus, in… Read More»

Free Tibet 2008 Protest at Chinese Consulate NYC

I try to maintain the focus on gaming at the blog.  After all that’s why you come here.  You want to see the latest sneak peeks, the rumors, thoughts on game play, and of course the pictures.  But, every now and then I have to diverge from gaming to issues… Read More»

War at Sea: UK vs Germany Battle Report

Wednesday evenings are War at Sea night at Battleground Games in Abington.  Tonight I thought it’d be fun to record my game and write it up as a battle report.  I brought my digital camera with the hopes of taking pictures.  For some reason it wouldn’t work at the store.… Read More»

Combat Storm Free Download Terrain Building Pack 2

Back in January we shared information on a new FREE building pack for Combat Storm. We even shared a video tutorial, crafted by Dave Reiter, to show you how to construct the buildings in the pack. Today I received another e-mail from Dave Reiter, one of the geniuses at Strategy… Read More»

War at Sea Scenario: In Harm’s Way

On Saturday last we discussed the 1st official War at Sea Scenario by Wizards of the Coast.  Action Deferred: The Battle of Cape Teulada pitted the British versus the Italians in the Med Sea. Before that we shared the scenario Lions, Tigers, and Bears: The Battle at the North Cape. This… Read More»