War at Sea Scenario: Action Deferred

Awhile back we discussed Lions, Tigers, and Bears.  No, we didn’t talk about the Wizard of Oz…really.  Lions, Tigers, and Bears: The Battle at the North Cape is a War at Sea Scenario depicting The Battle at the North Cape. This time we have another official scenario to share with… Read More»

War at Sea: Task Force Opened 3+ Cases Plus Stat Cards

I am pleased to share the results of opening 3.6 cases of Task Force with all of you.  I am only missing 4 ships. Knowing my intention to blog about the contents I was prepared before I cracked any cases.  With pen and notebook at the ready I opened case… Read More»

Spore Creature Creator Video

On Sunday I picked up a new game, the Spore Creature Creator, in anticipation of the September ’08 release of the full Spore game.  Spore is another Maxis title and Will Wright has been touting this for ages.  I figured that the $9.99 price tag, at Best Buy, was worth… Read More»

First Glance: White Dwarf #342 July 2008

Previously we’ve done two types of articles for each issue of White Dwarf and No Quarter magazines. We’ve crafted our Quick Picks and Inside series for each of the periodicals to help you decide the value in purchasing a particular issue. Our Quick Picks series highlight five of the best… Read More»