Inside White Dwarf #338 March 2008

Wondering if the new WD is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #338 covers. There’s plenty of Vampire Counts with some Lord of the Rings and a 40k campaign. This month has 119 pages of Games Workshop goodness to feast your eyes on. Use the… Read More»

40k Tourney + More @ Total Confusion XXII in Mansfield

For the past 22 years the TotalCon has been providing gaming fun for New Englanders. All the major games, past and present, have made appearances at TotalCon to the delight of thousands of gamers. 40k, WFB, Warmachine, Dungeons & Dragons, Hordes, Confrontation, Starship Troopers, B5: A Call to Arms, all… Read More»