TXG – Tomb Kings Rising from the Sands Pt 2

Hello one and all. This is your friendly neighborhood ^Raven^ reporting in. This is my second post about my Tomb Kings army for CWF Game Discussion’s Inter-System Tale of X Gamers. I am collecting a Tomb Kings army for Warhammer Fantasy Battles. My short-term goal is 1,000pts with my long-term… Read More»

Combat Storm Game = Dust Off Old Plastic Army Men

Yesterday I got an interesting e-mail from Dave Reiter. At first I wondered if it was spam but then I looked at the subject and it seemed like it could be a real e-mail for me in light of this blog and podcast. On opening it I was made aware… Read More»

Hack Attacks = Opportunity to Increase Security Awareness

In light of recent hack attacks this is a great opportunity to raise awareness on internet security. Back when we were a forum we had a thread titled “PC Necessities for FREE (or almost)!” that is still valid. As such, we’re taking the opportunity to share the information from there… Read More»

Podcast Equipment Destroyed…But Have Hope!

As the title says some of our podcast equipment has gone to the junk heap.  In particular, and actually it is the only equipment to suffer, our AHS-515 Headset from Altec Lansing was felled by a mighty fall to the carpeted floor of my bedroom. The floor broke the two… Read More»

Warvault Surmounts Hack Attack

On September 6th we made a post titled “Warvault Goes Down, Hackers Triumph….or Do They?” in which we stated that Warvault suffered prolonged downtime because of hackers. Today we are happy to announce that Warvault is up and running.  Warvault owner Angron found a security hole in a piece of… Read More»