Server Move Information = No Podcast?

The massive server move is on our doorstep.  We have signed up with BlueHost, it is a long story…don’t ask, and have already transferred two domains onto their servers.  We will be moving this domain no later than Friday.  It is possible that this domain will be moved late Wednesday night or even on Thursday.

When the move happens the blog will be taken offline.  All articles and content will be saved and everything will be transferred to the new servers.  We will close down the blog before the move so that no data is lost.  Then, all the data will be uploaded to the new servers.  Once that is complete it will take 24-48 hours for the nameservers to update across the globe.

What that means is your web browser may not know that is supposed to point to our new servers.  The further you are from the server the longer it will take for that information to get updated.  We will post as soon as we are up but you may possibly lag behind that.  If so, don’t worry because time will fix that.

In light of this timeframe we are playing it by ear for this week’s podcast.  It is a very real possibility that we will have no podcast this week.  I am rolling lots of D6s to determine if we can do one or not.  But, I’d prefer to wait and create a better episode than rush through.

Please send all your questions about the server move to us.  Use our Contact form to submit your questions.  Lastly, after the move is complete we will be upgrading to WP 2.5 RC.  That is not the final release of WP 2.5 but it is a mostly stable version that Matt, the head developer for WordPress, uses on his personal blog.  WordPress 2.5 was not released on St. Patrick’s Day and you can read more about that in WordPress 2.5 Will NOT Be Released on St. Patrick’s Day.  You can find out more about WP 2.5 here.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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