Tag Archives: American War of Independence
The Battle of Abington
Brigadier General Nathaniel Hawkinsworth was absorbed in the latest dispatches. The 22nd Massachusetts Brigade assembled at their camp where supplies trickled in. The civilian leaders were slow to dispense the necessary funds to equip his brigade with the armaments, clothing, … Continue reading
22nd Massachusetts Brigade Reporting
Brigadier General Nathaniel Hawkinsworth, commander, of the 22nd Massachusetts Brigade is prepared to devise a cunning plan that will push the Redcoats back into the ocean and, hopefully, send them packing to their mad King George. If only he could … Continue reading
Black Powder Terrain Part 1
At Huzzah Con 2011 in Portland, Maine I picked up some buildings to use with Warlord Games’ Black Powder rules. The gang at Battleground Games & Hobbies (BG) are using these rules for 28mm American War of Independence (AWI) gaming. … Continue reading
AWI Decisions and Contest Prizes
Recently, I wrote a post discussing the American Revolution (or American War of Independence as it is called in historical wargaming). In that article I cited Henry Hyde and his multi-decade running campaign The Wars of the Faltenian Succession. Henry … Continue reading
War of American Independence – Black Powder Style
Podcast listeners and blog readers will be familiar with my ramblings, frustration, and discussions of Warlord Games’ Black Powder ruleset. Lately, I’ve heavily blogged on this subject. Black Powder has managed to kick Earth out of its orbit by enticing … Continue reading