Tag: Announcements

Podcasting By the Numbers

It might be crass to talk numbers with you. You may not care how many times an episode is downloaded. It probably isn’t necessary for you to know which episodes are more popular. Perhaps, knowing which guests were downloaded the most doesn’t do anything for you. But, all of this… Read More»

Wargaming Recon Episode 70: Dedhampton Revolution

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart unleashes this episode with an apology for his noisy rabbits. The show includes a review of the next installment of the Jack Steel novels, a review of Hexographer the map-making program, an introduction to the Dedhampton Revolution, a chat about running a 1 Day Campaign, and… Read More»

Wargaming Recon Episode 69 1/2: Podcast Promo Contest

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart unleashes this mini episode with a contest announcement. Listeners are asked to participate in the Wargaming Recon Promo Contest (click for full details). You have until Midnight EST on Friday, March 30th to get your submission to cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com. You need to send your promo idea that… Read More»

(Un)Realistic Goals for 2012

Who doesn’t love to read top 10 lists and goals for a new year?  People make resolutions, companies strategically plan, and websites reveal annual goals.  Not being one that enjoys abandonment in the dust, I thought you would like to see my 2012 plans for this blog and podcast. Some… Read More»

We’re Striking!

Three topics never belong in a blog.  Politics, religion, and sports.  Unless you’re running a blog dedicated to politics, religion, or sports you need to STAY CLEAR of those issues.  That is something I firmly believe and a belief I have tried to adhere to (except the sports bit…I mean… Read More»