Tag: Announcements

The Move

The move is complete. Last Friday my wife and I moved into our condo. Aside from the movers being an hour late it went well. Numerous trips bringing boxes between the old and new locations completed the move. The condo is bigger than our old apartment, of a good size… Read More»

Copyrighted Materials & Blogging

Earlier this week a Facebook status existed on the issue of bloggers using copyrighted material without permission of the copyright holder. In the case of that status the copyright holder had a bit of trouble with a blogger who used maps on their blog without asking permission. This prompted some… Read More»

Address Changes Gamers Overlook

Anyone who has ever moved knows the ins and outs involved. The paring down of things. The packing of memories. The physical exertion of moving out of one home and into another. Part of moving to a new home is submitting notification of your new address. The internet has lists… Read More»

Name the Podcast Deux

UPDATED: 9/12/11 The contest is now closed.  A winning name was chosen. We’re running another Name the Podcast contest. Tom’s departure also sees “Monty & the Fox’s Wargaming Show” going the way of the dodo. Got a cool name for the show? Send it via e-mail to cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com Enter as… Read More»

So Long Tom, and Thanks For All The Fish

There’s been some reorganizing happening here lately. Tom Barbalet has decided to leave the CWF Game Cast. He has many projects he is working on such as his books, roleplaying game, model railroading, and numerous other podcasts. His encouragement to restart this podcast and his help co-hosting will be missed.… Read More»