Tag: Announcements

War at Sea Contest

Please read the bottom of this article to find out who won! Episode 47 of our podcast featured Bill Dettmers, CEO of our sponsor 12-7-Games.com, and I discussing War at Sea. During the interview Bill expressed his desire to help younger gamers obtain the expensive and out of print units… Read More»

Something Looks A Little Different Here…

YES! We have changed our appearance. Spring fast approaches and with it comes Spring cleaning. We’ve done some cleaning of our own. First up is Mimbo, by Darren Hoyt, which provides a magazine oriented style. The CWF Game Cast wishes to reflect its maturation from a personal blog to a… Read More»

WordPress 3.0.5 Upgrade Completed

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its previous version of WordPress to 3.0.5. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to you, the WordPress people did a great job of it already. Please read WordPress 3.0.5 at the official WordPress blog.… Read More»

Spam User Registration Influx

For an unknown reason we’re experiencing an influx of what appear to be spam user registrations on the blog. Due to this, we are shutting down user registrations until we can institute superior countermeasures. If you wish to create a user account please contact us at our e-mail address of… Read More»

Wanted: New England Gaming Events

Attention Game Store Owners, Convention Organizers, and Gamers. We want to promote the businesses you love, the games you play, and the cons you attend. Please share information on New England gaming events with us. In particular we’d love to know about tournaments, pre-releases, and weekly game sessions open to… Read More»