Tag: Announcements

Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show

We want to thank everyone for their submissions to the Name Our Podcast contest. We have ended the contest and chosen a new name. Graham Goodwin of London submitted the winning name of Monty and the Fox. Graham asked us to not send him anything to save the postage and… Read More»

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

Today is New Year’s Eve and as is the custom we are reflecting on the past year while also looking forward to the new year. Two thousand and ten saw many changes at the CWF Game Cast. All of them proved good in some way and some of them proved… Read More»

Merry Christmas, Mr. Reinhart

Referencing a classic Mr. Bean episode in this article title is my way of leading into a, hopefully, brief writing on my first Christmas as a married person. Like the famous television episode my Christmas had its turkey stuck firmly on head, surprise gift, and Christmas cracker. My wife and… Read More»

Rename Our Podcast

We want you to help rename our podcast. The “CWF GameCast” no longer fits who we are or what we do, so we want to re-brand. All readers, listeners, fans, and friends are asked to submit your suggestions for a new name for the podcast. We will take all submissions… Read More»