Tag Archives: Announcements
WordPress 3.0.3 Update Completed
The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its previous version of WordPress to 3.0.3. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to you, the WordPress people did a great job of it … Continue reading
Podcast Episode 42 Delayed
Episode 42: Battlestar Wiki with Joe Beaudoin will be delayed. This episode, recorded yesterday on Talkshoe, has not been released by them for us to edit and publish to our listeners. They normally release a recording the same day, which … Continue reading
New Podcast Section
With the return of the weekly podcast we have created a page dedicated to all things about the podcast. You can find it at the top of the blog right next to the Home link. You can also click on … Continue reading
Tom Barbalet Joins CWF Game Cast
In Episode 37 of our podcast I announced a bunch of changes. Foremost among those was our return to podcasting. Tom Barbalet, of Noble Ape fame, will be joining our team as my co-host on the podcast. He runs several … Continue reading
CWF-2010-30-10 Guest Starring on Stone Ape Podcast
This is a mini-cast to verbally announce my guest appearance on the Stone Ape Podcast by Tom Barbalet. I discuss how I came to be invited by Tom, who he is and what he does, and also gloss over some … Continue reading