Tag: Computer/Video Games

CWF Game Cast Episode 45: Hello 2011

Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet catch up after Tom’s absence. Tom discusses the Close Combat computer games and their relation to Flames of War. Jonathan discusses World of Warcraft and Hobbit Houses. He follows up with Zombie Dice and the board game Pandemic as played with his friend… Read More»

Civilization Revolution for iPad

Recently, I purchased two things that make the iPad more desirable than ever. The first is the Apple wireless keyboard, which is how I am typing this blog. The second is Civilization Revolution for the iPad. Civilization Revolution has a free version, which gives a nice taste where gamers play… Read More»

Molleindustria Oiligarchy

We spend a lot of time discussing games but not enough time discussing how games teach.  As a librarian I believe games deserve a prominent place in libraries, and in education overall, because they not only entertain but educate. Oiligarchy by Molleindustria is one such game that entertains and educates… Read More»

CWF Supports The King Kong Defense

The Pirate Bay torrent website is being sued by just about everyone for copyright violations. The big trial is taking place in Sweden where the defendants, three of whom run the site and one who has donated to it, are on the receiving end of criminal charges of “promoting other… Read More»

Armor Games Warfare 1917

 We spend a lot of time discussing historical gaming because it is one of the most popular types of gaming around.  Our enthusiasm on the subject is just the cherry on top. Coming from that background it was with eager surprise that I stumbled onto Warfare 1917 by Armor Games.  Armor… Read More»