Tag Archives: Flames of War
Gaming Across Eras – Wargaming Recon #296
In this episode Jonathan is joined by co-host Robert Dunn. Robert writes the show notes. He has been on the podcast before and travels with Jonathan to conventions. Jonathan and Robert get into a very long talk about what they … Continue reading
Australian Wargaming with Joshua Shoobridge – Wargaming Recon #138
The Merimbula Wargaming Society is an Australian wargaming club founded by Joshua Shoobridge. Josh discusses Australian wargaming and shares some tips for being a dad wargamer. Support Jonathan through PATREON
Crowdfunding Adler Boardgame Cafe – Wargaming Recon #133
Crowdfunding can do many amazing things. Gordon Sampson hopes to crowdfund his new venture the Adler Boardgame Cafe. Support Jonathan through PATREON
Steven MacLauchlan and Flames of War – Wargaming Recon #122
Steven MacLauchlan and Flames of War Steven MacLauchlan is the former Digital Content Manager for Battlefront Miniatures (maker of Flames of War) and is also the head honcho at the WWPD: News From the Front podcast. Steven returns to the … Continue reading
Great Wargamer Destinations – Wargaming Recon #117
Great Wargamer Destinations Summer is a time to relax and go on vacation. Why not also gather some inspiration for wargaming to boot? Jonathan shares a few of his favorite wargamer destinations. If we didn’t cover one of your’s, then … Continue reading