Tag: Historical Gaming

5 Tips to Turn OFF a Potential Wargamer – Wargaming Recon #114

5 Tips to Turn OFF a Potential Wargamer It isn’t easy to run a good demo game, participation game, or event at a gaming convention. This episode shares 5 tips to AVOID…unless you want to turn off a would be wargamer. Just kidding! When listening to this episode keep in… Read More»

Are Painted Minis Essential to Miniatures Wargaming? – Wargaming Recon #113

Are Painted Minis Essential to Miniatures Wargaming? Inspired by Sam Mustafa’s column in Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy issue 71 (Buy the PDF) Jonathan editorializes on the the necessity, or lack thereof, of painted miniatures. As a current non-painter Jonathan approaches the question of “What exactly is our hobby?” Karwansaray Publishers… Read More»

HuzzahCon 2014 – Wargaming Recon #112

HuzzahCon 2014 Special guest Dean Emmerson is a member of the Maine Historical Wargamers Association, which organizes HuzzahCon in Portland, Maine. He joins the episode to share why you need to attend HuzzahCon 2014. Some of the highlights are shared. Dean and Jonathan discuss great places to eat in Portland,… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #111: How Jonathan Became a Wargamer

How Jonathan Became a Wargamer Listener Andrew submitted a question on Facebook asking how Jonathan got into wargaming. In this episode Jonathan answers. The tale begins with Warhammer 40k, touches down at War at Sea, then finishes with Henry Hyde and historical wargaming. Stone Ape Podcast #19: New England Gaming… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #109: TotalCon 2014

TotalCon 2014 Didn’t make it to TotalCon 2014? Don’t worry, you can walk in Jonathan’s shoes by listening to this episode.