Tag: People

Local Band: Chester French

On my way home from work I heard a great new band on WBCN. They’re called Chester French and I heard bits of two of their new songs, “She Loves Everybody” and “The Jimmy Choo’s”. On getting home I looked them up and found their MySpace page. The band is… Read More»

28mm Samurai from museum Miniatures

Has any one seen the 28mm Museum Miniatures Samurai yet. Friend told me about the web site and had a look, Little videos of the figures. They look nice but has anyone seen them in the flesh. Didn’t know Museum Miniatures did anything other than 15mm. Wonder if they will… Read More»

McDonalds Nintendo Toys

Fast-food chain’s latest kid’s combo promotion includes “free” Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong toys. With Nintendo’s Wii promising to put the “active” back in “interactive entertainment,” it’s only fitting that the publisher’s marketing tie-ins leading up to the console launch should have a similar focus. So for fast-food chain McDonald’s… Read More»

Windows Vista – Free Games!

The expensive games usually get all the attention at CWF Game Cast, but we wanted to take a look at the Windows Vista games that will be responsible for countless hours of wasted productivity through the end of the decade. Windows Vista’s updated DirectX 10 API promises to give us… Read More»