Choosing Kindness – Wargaming Recon #257
How can gamers choose kindness and why does it even matter? We address the topic, share ways in which to choose kindness when gaming, and then talk a bit about World of Warcraft and World of Warships.
Longest-running tabletop wargaming podcast on the planet!
How can gamers choose kindness and why does it even matter? We address the topic, share ways in which to choose kindness when gaming, and then talk a bit about World of Warcraft and World of Warships.
How does this tabletop wargaming hobby impact those we love? This is a question raised by a listener. It is a great question. Jonathan discusses some positive and negative ways in which the hobby may impact our families. He goes further to share a deeply personal way in which it… Read More»
David Hill IV has won numerous awards for games he’s run at HMGS conventions. One such notable game is his take on Test of Honour using the Yamashiro Mountain Fort by Things From the Basement. David shares some tips for GMs and attendees in this episode was recorded for Let’s… Read More»
Guy Bowers, editor of Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy magazine, chats about gaming and what it is like to be the editor of a popular tabletop wargaming magazine. This episode was recorded for Let’s Roll Virtual Convention.
Robey Jenkins discusses game design and provides further information on a game first seen in Miniature Wargaming the Movie.