Tag Archives: Tale of X Gamers
TXG Tau for the Greater Good Update
Last time we spoke I told you that I would be finishing off my Tau for TXG in addition to collecting Tomb Kings. I told you that I would purchase two Sniper Drone teams and save the remaining money. Things … Continue reading
CWF-2006-09-17 Duo-Cast w/ Tale of X Gamers & Editorial on Games Workshop Codices
This is our first Duo-Cast with guest co-host Steve. It is also the first cast that uses our brand new field equipment and is our first on air interview. We used a special sci-fi-esque sound effect during the interview. Let … Continue reading
TXG Tau For the Greater Good
I know you’re probably saying, “Hey, aren’t you collecting Tomb Kings for this?” Yeah, I am. However, I also have to finish my Tau army for 40k and figured why not include it here. My Tau are more or less … Continue reading
CWF-2006-09-07 Solo-Cast w/ Tale of X Gamers & Horror Clix
Today we mix things up by discussing Horror Clix and our unique Intra-System Tale of X Gamers. ^Raven^ tells all in today’s cast. Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer. For high speed listeners) … Continue reading
Tale of X Gamers Rules Updated
The rules have been updated because of the release of Warhammer Fantasy 7th edition. We feel that participants shouldn’t have to include the cost of rulebooks and army books in their monthly expenditures. This has been updated in the rules … Continue reading