Tag Archives: Tournaments
CWF Game Cast Episode 48: TotalCon 25 and Bay Area Travels
Hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet’s record together for the first time in weeks. Jonathan reviews his first trip to a con when he attended TotalCon 25. Tom recounts his trip to the Californian Bay area with coverage of … Continue reading
Wanted: New England Gaming Events
Attention Game Store Owners, Convention Organizers, and Gamers. We want to promote the businesses you love, the games you play, and the cons you attend. Please share information on New England gaming events with us. In particular we’d love to … Continue reading
TotalCon 25 Puffing Billy Board Game Tournament
TotalCon has released the categories for their Puffing Billy tournament. As you can see from the categories, Puffing Billy is a train-themed board game tournament. Trains are very popular and train-themed board games have a large following. Be sure to … Continue reading