Tag Archives: TSR Podcast Network
Therapeutic Uses of Building with Dwarven Forge – Wargaming Recon #260
Jonathan returns from his time spent away from the show as he began to mourn the passing of his grandmother. This episode features Jonathan sharing the story of his grandparents and how their lives not only shaped him, but also … Continue reading
Devil in the Wilderness – Wargaming Recon #259
Adrian solos the hosting duties while Jonathan continues to grieve the passing of his beloved grandmother. Adrian talks with Dave Valentine about the upcoming Devil in the Wilderness Kickstarter campaign and the online gaming platform Application of Force. The Kickstarter … Continue reading
Wargaming Down Under – Wargaming Recon #258
Joshua steps in to guest host the show while Jonathan grieves the passing of his beloved grandmother. He chats about gaming in Australia and tosses a few jovial barbs at Jonathan and Adrian. Be sure to listen for the ad … Continue reading
Choosing Kindness – Wargaming Recon #257
How can gamers choose kindness and why does it even matter? We address the topic, share ways in which to choose kindness when gaming, and then talk a bit about World of Warcraft and World of Warships.