Tag Archives: video
Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Megabattle at Battleground 2008 Video
I had intended to share more photos from the big…scratch that for redundancy….to share more photos from the Apocalypse Mega-Battle, yeah I know another redundancy, held at Battleground Games in Abington. Instead I have something better! What could be better … Continue reading
CWF-2008-1-17 Apocalpyse Photos and Combat Storm Downloads
Minicast with ^Raven^ as your host discussing Apocalpyse Photos and Combat Storm Downloads. Please note Go Go Gadget Bat-o-ry was replaced with “Civilization And Its Discontent” also by Matt Searles due to technical difficulties. My apologies for this and for … Continue reading
Combat Storm Building Pack Video Tutorial
So you are one of the people who downloaded the free building pack. Now, you can use some help assembling that bad boy. Its basically straightforward but a tutorial can iron out the kinks. Luckily Dave Reiter, lead designer of … Continue reading
Nintendo Wii Boxing for Librarians
There’s always tons of discussions on gaming as entertainment and usually a lot on the issue of violence in games. Every game has it to some degree, no matter how indiscernible, but most notably discussion focuses on video games. When … Continue reading
40k Apocalypse Vid on Youtube by Lanparth
With the 40k Apocalypse Mega-Battle (yes I know that’s redundant) happening in less than 8 hours I thought everyone will enjoy some Apocalypse fun. One of my Youtube subscriptions, Lanparth, discussed Apocalypse a few months back and I’m giving him … Continue reading