Tag Archives: Warhammer Fantasy
White Dwarf #334 Quick Picks
We scoured the new WD and have chosen 5 Quick Picks for your perusal. If you hate reading the entire mag, have a short attention span, or just want the best here’s 5 sections you can’t miss. Our top pick … Continue reading
Inside White Dwarf #334 Nov. 07
Wondering if the new WD is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #333 covers. There’s plenty of great High Elf coverage along with a kickass assembly walkthrough for the new plastic Baneblade. Also included is … Continue reading
GW: More New High Elves
Awhile back we showed you some of the new High Elf models. Now we have another one. Click the pic for a closer look. High Elves Helion Chariot
GW Fantasy High Elves Sneak Peeks
Take a look at the upcoming High Elves for Fantasy. Lots of great plastic kits en route! Click the pics for a closer look.
GW Baltimore Games Day 2007 Revisited
As promised we’re revisiting the GW Baltimore Games Day 2007. In this installment we have a group of Golden Demon winners to share with you. Some of them won Gold, some Silver, and some Bronze. These may not be the … Continue reading