Category: Games

Stalled projects, or Oh Shiny! The road to 350.

We all have projects we started and then ignored for awhile. My biggest issue is when I put a wash on something and wait for it to dry overnight, only to immediately start on something else and ignore the first project. This is one of the reasons why when I’m… Read More»

The Muse’s Miniatures Musings: Easy on the Eyes

This is part 3 of my multi part series which will cover the basics of miniature painting from the materials to finishing. The month is painting the eyes. Supplies have been bought (Part 1) and prep is complete (Part 2). Now it’s time to get some paint on that mini!… Read More»

Gaming in a Pandemic – Wargaming Recon #249

Jonathan and Adrian are back together (sort of) to discuss gaming options for these strange COVID-19 times. Please practice social distancing and good hand washing habits alongside any other recommendations put out by your local government for as long as is required to keep yourself, family and everyone else safe.