Category: Games

Scots Picts Warband From Footsore Miniatures

In a previous article, I highlighted a few companies that made miniature figures that I had recommended to gamers. One such company that really stuck out was Footsore Miniatures, a company I first bought 28mm figures for wargaming Viking Age Europe. Let me say that I do not regret buying… Read More»

Not one step back!

Not one step back! Always forward, for the lead pile! Once I paint a figure I have a rule to never repaint it. I don’t spend time striping figures I finished years ago, or spend weeks painting even a character figure. Once they’re done, they’re done! You know, except for… Read More»

Gaming for Mental Health – Wargaming Recon #245

IMPORTANT NOTICE WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. IF YOU ARE IN CRISIS, PLEASE USE THE EMERGENCY NUMBER FOR THE AREA YOU ARE IN (911 IN THE US, 999 IN THE UK, ETC…) In this episode Jonathan is joined by special guest Dr. Allan G. Hunter; counselor and therapist with a… Read More»