Responding to iTunes Comments

iTunes allows listeners the chance to post a comment to the iTunes Music Store about the items it distributes. Whenever you buy a movie, a song, an album, or subscribe to a podcast you can read people’s comments to guide you. Maybe you’ll download the item because of a stranger’s… Read More»

WordPress 2.3.2 Update Complete

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its 2.3.1 version of WordPress to 2.3.2. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to you, the WordPress people did a great job of it already. Please read WordPress 2.3.2 at the official WordPress blog.… Read More»

Merry Christmas Mr ^Raven^

Merry Christmas and 1 day to all you wonderful gamers.  By now you’ve opened your toys, looked them over, played with them a bit and can’t wait for more.  This Christmas I didn’t receive any games but I did receive a wonderful, brand spanking new, iMac.  Hurrah!  This will allow… Read More»

Happy Birthday ^Raven^ – Here’s Some Blood Knights

Since today is my 26th birthday I’m giving a gift to all of you. Normally I wouldn’t do this being an American where birthdays are about the birthday person receiving gifts. However, I’ve already received an unexpected gift from VH1. This week they’ve aired their 100 Greatest Songs of the… Read More»

Dead Computer Redux

It has been almost 7 months since I last discussed the issue of my dead PC and my need for a new computer.  A resolution has now been put into effect.  Santa is bringing my a new iMac for Christmas and my birthday. This is the brand new iMac that… Read More»