September 2007 Newsletter Available

We are proud to announce that the September 2007 issue of the CWF Game Cast Newsletter is now available. All subscribed CWF Game Cast fans have received a copy of the newsletter in their e-mail. To subscribe all you have to do is e-mail (Titled Subscribe). Sign-up now and… Read More»

War @ Sea: Better Tokens?

In War at Sea the tokens, that come with the starter box, are quite important. They denote damage, alert to crippled and destroyed vessels, mark objectives, and even state when aircraft is aborted or re-arming. All in all the tokens are bloody useful and nicely made. However, they do have… Read More»

August 2007 Newsletter Available

We are proud to announce that the August 2007 issue of the CWF Game Cast Newsletter is now available. All subscribed CWF Game Cast fans have received a copy of the newsletter in their e-mail. To subscribe all you have to do is e-mail (Titled Subscribe). Sign-up now and… Read More»

July 2007 Newsletter Available

We are proud to announce that the July 2007 issue of the CWF Game Cast Newsletter is now available. All subscribed CWF Game Cast fans have received a copy of the newsletter in their e-mail. To subscribe all you have to do is e-mail (Titled “Subscribe”). Sign-up now and… Read More»