Tag Archives: Computer/Video Games
Wargaming Recon #80: Civ IV Colonization
Civ IV: Colonization. Also discussed: New Logo by Jeremy Kostiew Mailbag: Responses to Ep 79: 5 Reasons You SHOULD Shop at Your FLGS “Buy” episodes, for free, on Wargame Vault
Wargaming Recon Episode 68: Tropico & TotalCon 2012
Host Jonathan J. Reinhart opens the show with some announcements. He highlights the show contents: TotalCon 2012 Contest Results, SOPA/PIPA Update, Tropico 4 review, Napoleon Total War Review, and more. Surprise is expressed at the lack of feedback to Episode … Continue reading
Disease Curing Flash Games
If you’re like me, then you really enjoy the board game Pandemic. It is a blast to play, even when losing. The board game does suffer from one major deficiency, which is also a strength. You need other people in … Continue reading
Bloodline Champions FREE Game
I came across this video on Youtube and it really intrigued me as an action game inspired in part by WoW. I haven’t played it but am interested in giving it a try. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChV7Fm_u6To[/youtube]