Tag Archives: painting
The importance of batch painting, the Road to 350.
Batch painting is an important aspect of my painting method. With no permanent hobby space I can’t just leave things sitting between painting sessions, mix in work, a two year old and other family commitments and I’m lucky to get … Continue reading
The Muse’s Miniatures Musings: Easy on the Eyes
This is part 3 of my multi part series which will cover the basics of miniature painting from the materials to finishing. The month is painting the eyes. Supplies have been bought (Part 1) and prep is complete (Part 2). … Continue reading
Painting By Numbers…
As you probably guessed, this might be a strange topic for me after my last TWO posts. But, I’ve recently finished a commission that caused me to work to specification within a designated deadline. The end result was painting 52 … Continue reading
Contrast Paints – Wargaming Recon #236
Games Workshop wants you to believe their new line of Citadel Contrast Paints will speed up your painting and change the way in which you paint. Is this all hype? Adrian & Jonathan share their thoughts. Updates are given on … Continue reading