The Best Men

by Jonathan the Groom ~ February 25th, 2009. Filed under: Groom, Wedding Party.

I am really excited to say that I have chosen my Best Men and they have accepted the honor, privilege, and duty of celebrating my wedding in this special way.  You may think you mis-read Best Men but I assure you that you did not.  I am having two best men in my wedding.  I have long known that I want two best men and I’ve known exactly who I wanted.

Dad at Work

Dad at Work

The tough part wasn’t choosing them but asking them.  I’m someone who does a lot of research and in all my wedding reading I have not come across any suggestions covering good ways to ask someone to be a best man.  So I played it by ear and did it one at a time.

The first person I asked is my father.  Mother Nature had just unloaded a heap of snow on us and I was outside cleaning off the cars when my dad came back from a trip to Dunkies.  He and I were chatting and I told him that I had an important question to ask.  That’s when I unloaded the question.  There’s few people in my life who I truly admire and my dad is one of them.  He is a good man, a good husband, a good father and in short



everything I aspire to be.  I know he has always been there for me and always will.  There’s no better person to be a best man.  As much as I’m my mother’s son I’m my father’s son and moreso every day.

After my dad said yes I needed to ask the other person.  I wanted to ask one of my friends and I knew exactly who.  My friend Michael, who we call Murf, is just the guy.  I met him through my friend Steve and known him for four years but it feels like we’ve known each other much longer.  He is intelligent, caring, reliable, and friendly.  One of the nicest guys you’ll meet, but don’t let him know I said so, who won’t hesitate to do something for a friend.  And did I mention he’s a chef?  He’s made many a great meal over the years and I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying my fair share.

I asked Murf on our way back from a trip to a local bookstore.  We’re sitting in the car and I floated the question.  It took him a moment but he said yes.  Then a few moments later I think it actually hit him because he said “Wait, what do I have to do?”  Priceless!

Needless to say I have two great gentlemen standing up with me at the ceremony and I know we’ll have a blast leading up to it.  Thanks and God bless!

Jonathan the Groom

Jonathan and Tricia in Rockport

Jonathan and Tricia in Rockport

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