Wargaming Recon in 2015 – Wargaming Recon #128


Wargaming Recon in 2015

Another great podcast season is here! This episode unveils the roadmap for 2015. Want to know what topics will be discussed? How about who are the upcoming featured guests? You’re in the right place to find out the answers to these questions and more.

This episode discussed:

Confirmed Guests

  1. Jon & Diane Sutherland share why the Wargame Holidays Centre on Crete shut down.
  2. Aaron Bostian to discuss how to survive your FLGS closing.

Guests to Invite

  1. Henry Hyde, author of the Wargaming Compendium (affiliate link) & editor of Miniature Wargames magazine.
  2. Jasper Oorthuys, managing director of Karwansaray Publishers and former editor of Ancient Warfare magazine.
  3. Guy Bowers, editor of Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy magazine.
  4. Steven Parenteau, event director for TotalCon.
  5. Steven MacLauchlan, head honcho of WWPD: News From the Front.
  6. Russ Lockwood, game designer and editor of Wally Simon’s Secrets of Wargame Design vols 1-3.
  7. Neil Shuck, owner of Meeples & Miniatures and columnist at Miniature Wargames magazine.
  8. Bill Dettmers, owner of 12-7-Games.com.

Planned Topics for 2015

  1. New England conventions: TotalCon, HuzzahCon, and HAVOC.
  2. Holiday Gift Guide 2015.
  3. How to play 1775 Rebellion solo.
  4. C.F. Wesencraft’s Practical Wargaming book.
  5. Being a dad and wargamer.
  6. Using social media for wargamers (i.e. helpful Facebook pages, Google groups, etc).
  7. Extra Life 24hr Game-a-thon 2015 with special eBay charity auction.
  8. Top 10 episodes of 2015.
  9. Patreon for Wargamers.
  10. New England game days coverage.
  11. Highlight wargaming blogs & podcasts.
  12. Rerelease more classic episodes all spruced up.

Support Jonathan through PATREON
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Via our Facebook page:

  1. Listener Dave said “A suggestion for a podcast subject…How about a review of various wargame Facebook pages that are abundant at the moment. I have seen some inspiration work on some of these pages that have really improved my [painting] techniques.”
  2. Listener Andrew is thanked for the kind Christmas package he sent Jonathan. It contained OGRE Pocket Edition by Steve Jackson Games and a DVD set titled 21st Century War Machines.

Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com.

iTunes Reviews

  • Josh Weaver from the UK left a 4 star review titled Cheers saying “Thanks fo ran excellent podcast! I’ve only recently discovered the podcast and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the cast and the dedication to improving that quality…all in all a great podcast! Happy gaming”

We’re up to 10 ratings with an average score of 4.3 stars! Please take the time to REVIEW the show on iTunes. It helps others to find our show and it also helps to grow the hobby. Thank you to those who have rated and reviewed us.

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-Sponsor 12-7-Games.com has renewed their sponsorship for 2015. We couldn’t do this show without their support.

-The Baby is due in a few weeks. Check Facebook and Twitter for the birth announcement. When the baby arrives I’ll release some classic episodes while I spend quality time with the little one. Then I’ll transition back to the normal schedule. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Episode Guide Tells You What’s in the Pipe

Some Reminders:

Troll in the Corner Podcast Network

Wargaming Recon belongs to the Troll in the Corner Podcast Network (TCPN). You may like some of the other shows on the network.

Indie Talks – bi-monthly on Wednesdays covering independent games, film, television. Includes many interviews. Hosted by Trollitc owner Ben Gerber.

Monsters of the Shattered World – monthly on the last Saturday. Story of a young scholar encountering strange animals on another world.

Promos for the TCPN podcasts appear at the end of the show. Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for the amazing logos. Check out his portfolio at MightyNightGaunt.com

12-7-Games.com Proudly Sponsors Wargaming Recon

Need gaming supplies? Please consider our sponsor, 12-7-Games.com.

Contact Wargaming Recon

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all to:

Our Theme Song

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

About Jonathan J. Reinhart

Owner of Wargaming Recon.
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