CWF-2006-10-22 Solo-Cast w/ New Armies for Jon’s Gaming Group, New GW Releases, and Minipainters Contest

This solo-cast is with Jonathan. Today we discuss New Armies for Jon’s Gaming Group, New GW Releases, and Minipainters Contest. We also have some tunes for you too!

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1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Sunday October 22, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, New Armies for Jon’s Gaming Group, New GW Releases, and Minipainters Contest.

3) Music to Game By Check out CWF Game Cast Radio.

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) New Armies for Jon’s Gaming Group

Necrons @ GW Website

Necron Army List @ CWF

Dark Elves @ GW Website

7) New GW Releases

New Releases @ GW

Advanced Orders @ GW

8) Promote New England Podcasting

9) Minipainters Contest

Minipainters Contest 3 @ Minipainters

10) Recent Blogging

Necron Army List – 2000pts Coming At You October 22nd

Holy Smokes….The PS3 Avalance!
October 21st
CWF Radio Goes Live! October 12th

Server Migration, Downtime and Disappointments October 10th
11) Closing comments, next cast will be on October 26, 2006.

12) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

13) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

15) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be on October 26, 2006.