Monthly Archives: December 2006

Happy New Years!

Everyone at the CWF Game Cast wishes you a very safe and happy New Years! We know you got tons of great games for the holidays, as we did, and are dying to try them out. We will be talking about them in 2007 when we reinvent the CWF Game… Read More»

CWF Holiday Gift Guide

In our podcast of 11/26/06 we mentioned the possibility of our releasing a gift guide to help all you gamers, and those who have to buy for you, with gift ideas. Like the GW Holiday Gift Guides we’ve broken our suggestions down into price categories. The goal was to have… Read More»

Local Band: Chester French

On my way home from work I heard a great new band on WBCN. They’re called Chester French and I heard bits of two of their new songs, “She Loves Everybody” and “The Jimmy Choo’s”. On getting home I looked them up and found their MySpace page. The band is… Read More»