– Wargaming Recon Test Site Proving Grounds for Wargaming Recon Wed, 06 Feb 2013 03:52:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Proving Grounds for Wargaming Recon – Wargaming Recon Test Site Proving Grounds for Wargaming Recon – Wargaming Recon Test Site MiniPainters to Make Minis Sat, 06 Oct 2007 08:17:34 +0000 MiniPainters, the famed painting message board, is expanding into making models.

Their first mini is called Havard the Half Seen.  So far all they have are concept sketches and a prototype in the green sculpt stage.  But, it looks nice.

He’s expected for November 2007 and your pre-order, just $12 or 6 GBP, nets you a numbered limited edition certificate too.

When you’re done drooling over the below pics, head over to the official MiniPainters Model Havard the Half Seen site to place your pre-order.

CWF-2006-10-01 Solo-Cast w/ MiniPainters Contest, Alex Fennell from MGP, and Guitar Hero 2 Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:40:52 +0000 This solo-cast is with Jonathan. Today we discuss the MiniPainters Contest, Alex Fennell from MGP, and Guitar Hero 2. We also have some tunes for you too! Near the end of the cast in the Feedback section we use 1 swear and 1 medical term for a male organ. If that will offend you we suggest that you skip over that part that starts at 29:29 and ends at 29:50.
Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Sunday October 1, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, MiniPainters Contest, Alex Fennell from MGP, and Guitar Hero 2.

3) Music to Game By

Check out the rock song “First Date” by Janko Jones and get in the mood for Guitar Hero 2.

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss MiniPainters Contest

MiniPainters Announces Contest Prizes @ CWF
Painting Contest @ Minipainters

Minipainters Official Website

7) Alex Fennell from MGP Update
Mongoose Publishing Founder and Owner, Alex Fennell, to Visit Danger Planet @ CWF

CWF to Interview Mongoose Publishing Owner Alex Fennell @ CWF

8) Promote Danger Planet Games

9) Guitar Hero 2

CWF-2006-09-10 Solo-Cast w/ WFB 7th Ed Review, Guitar Hero, & Warvault Hacking @ CWF

Guitar Hero 2 Interview @ IGN

10) Recent Blogging

Tale of X-Gamers update October 1st

TXG Tau for the Greater Good Update October 1st

Warseer Dice? September 30th

Zombie Night Fight is Coming September 30th

Danger Planet Sands of Time 40k Mega Battle September 30th

CWF Stargate SG-1 RPG Update September 30th

11) Closing comments, next cast will be on October 5, 2006.

12) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

13) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

15) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be on October 5, 2006.

This solo-cast is with Jonathan. Today we discuss the MiniPainters Contest, Alex Fennell from MGP, and Guitar Hero 2. We also have some tunes for you too! Near the end... This solo-cast is with Jonathan. Today we discuss the MiniPainters Contest, Alex Fennell from MGP, and Guitar Hero 2. We also have some tunes for you too! Near the end... – Wargaming Recon Test Site
CWF-2006-09-03 Duo-Cast w/Andy Chambers’ Thoughts on Starship Troopers Change; Dark Age Games Too! Sun, 03 Sep 2006 20:37:57 +0000 This is our first Duo-Cast with Angron, I promise. We are talking about Dark Age Games and the new direction of Starship Troopers. We also have to apologize for the echo when ^Raven^ speaks.

There was a problem with the file and Angron provided a backup, that unfortunately had the echo due to inferior British engineering. We jest about the last part, seriously, but Angron did provide the backup.

We hope to have this fixed for the next Duo-Cast.

Also, Andy Chambers offers some comments on the change with Starship Troopers through Angron (they talked via instant messenger). We hope to have an actual podcast interview with Mr. Chambers in the future.

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer. For high speed listeners)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Sunday Sept 3, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, new format, welcome Angron, Dark Age Games, Starship Troopers new direction

3) Discuss Starship Troopers New Direction

Official Website

Pre-Painted Models Way of Future for SST @ CWF

SST Evolution Thread @ Mongoose Publishing

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss Dark Age Games

Official Website

Gallery @ Dark Age Games

Factions @ Dark Age Games

Quickstart Rules @ Dark Age Games

7) Promote

Painting Contest @

8) Closing comments, next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/Jonathan on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

9) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

10) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

11) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/Jonathan on Thursday, September 7, 2006.

This is our first Duo-Cast with Angron, I promise. We are talking about Dark Age Games and the new direction of Starship Troopers. We also have to apologize for the... This is our first Duo-Cast with Angron, I promise. We are talking about Dark Age Games and the new direction of Starship Troopers. We also have to apologize for the... – Wargaming Recon Test Site